Friday, July 26, 2013

This Week In Pics

Hanging out with The Godmother at the splash pad

There were a couple of way too early mornings,

so taking pics is a good distraction

Investigating the neighbors belongings

Yes, that's a can of cider and yes, it's empty

Over at the Music Gardens I'm trying to teach him
how to do yard work

Trying to pack but it can be difficult some days

Love his new hat, if only he kept it on for more than 10 seconds

He is just to cool 

A hair cut maybe?

Trying to say cool

"OK, enough pictures already"

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Too Cool

Our bigger space can not come soon enough, check out what Owen finally mastered/got tall enough for.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


With just 9 days to go I'm getting very excited. Not nearly enough is packed but it will eventually happen. I'm doing my best to stay hydrated, caffeinated and nourished in order to be able to pack and chase after Owen at the same time.
I'm really looking forward to having some backyard and bbq time, been thinking about how to grill up a pizza seeing as we have not make any since Owen was born. We make some great pizza.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

This Week In Pics

The weeks seem to be going by faster and faster as our moving date nears. So what's the best thing to do? Spend it outside!!

Owen decided to help me do some baking  by pulling out the sugar

Any day is a good day for Gelato

Owen playing with my phone, taking some pics

Made up some coffee soda for the week, inspired by these guys. They are  fantastic.

Stella was sold this week

Being goofy for the camera

We met up with Leanne at her end of town and found a great new park

Cuddles with Leanne

At the splash pad with Dad

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Countdown Continues

29 days till we move, it's getting to be more of a reality for me.
The movers are booked and I received a shipment of boxes yesterday to start packing. We have 12 years of stuff to go through so I want to start as soon as possible.
In order to help things along, Owen is doing his part to clean up.