Sunday, May 20, 2018

Pic Update

I have no idea how a month has flown by so fast. Spring has finally arrived and everything is in full bloom. It makes me so happy to look out the windows every morning and see everything in our gardens so happy and healthy.

It appears that I have been really busy as I have not taken too many pics, so here is what I have shot!

Happy Birthday waffles for breakfast
far this dude how turned 6.

Thank goodness Kate was here to
help open all his presents

April 19th and we woke up
to this. Not a happy morning for me

Kate's carpet arrived and she was
pretty happy with it

She was pretty pleased with herself after
climbing up onto the table, grabbing the bag
of candy and opening one

We had Owen's birthday party at the bowling alley which was
a big hit. My parents were able to join us which was great

Owen got a hold of my Dad's camera and was having a blast

I just can't believe he's six

Warmer weather means more fun
outside for everyone

A perfect way to spend the weekend

Our walk to school is usually a wet one

Kate is usually missing Owen during the day and
often ends up in his room to play

After supper Owen and Rob were out with
Owen's bike so Kate had to join the
fun as well

May finally arrived and my Mom joined me at a
gardening workshop, naturally I came home with
something to plant. Hyacinth for some early
Spring colour

We were lucky enough to go see two of
her mini quilts in a curated show
in Kitchener the next day. The black
and white coffee one is her's

Monday and it's back to school!!

Oooooh puddles

followed by some very wet feet

I was able to plant this years boxes, I'm curious how
the English Daisies will work out 

Owen had tied a string around a rock he found
and was able to get Kate to pull it around. They
were killing themselves laughing

Owen made me Mother's day breakfast all by himself

The day was pent outside in the garden. Rob installed
these steps as we are planning on putting in a second
deck where the grass is here

A delicious brunch made by Rob for us

And suddenly the rhubarb was ready to be picked.
I have already picked another bunch of similar size
less that a week later