Sunday, March 31, 2013

This Week In Pics

I love when he randomly comes over for cuddles 

Tons o' fun with blueberries

Why so serious? I do not know

It's getting harder to get a non blurry pic

Dad's been riding his bike again, new things to play with

Hanging out in the park, enjoying the sun
Still need to bundle up for our walks

Lasagna, avocado, chicken and tomato for lunch

Some days are just like that

Friday, March 22, 2013

Eleven Months

So the count down is on, we will very shortly have a one year old child!

In the past four weeks Owen has been scooting around so much, barely holding onto anything for support. He has begun to walk unassisted here and there, where ever he can and is very proud of himself when accomplishing this, looking around with a beaming smile to ensure that we all saw what he just did. He plays with his toys now and again but spends most of his day walking around the condo getting into everything.

He is in the process of cutting two more teeth on the top making for a total of 10 teeth once these are through. My Mom thinks that he has said his first word "Mom" but I'm not totally convinced, I think they are just sounds he is making with his new teeth. We'll see.

Owen enjoys music and will dance along to almost anything, sometimes swaying his head to the tunes and sometimes full out dancing. It's terribly sweet so I try to have a variety of music playing, from kids tunes to reggae to Beastie Boys and everything in between. Not partial to any genre so far, he's just happy to dance along. He also really enjoys reading his books. Of course he doesn't know how to read yet but he loves to play with his books, flip the pages, point at the pictures all while chatting away to himself.

He is also showing us that he very quickly understands us. When he is about to do something he knows he's not supposed to, such as grab the TV, he will look directly at one of us and flash a big grin knowing that he's about to do something naughty. It's really hard to discipline when he's so adorable.

Owen is now holding his own bottle during feeding but at least he still cuddles on my lap for it. Sometimes in the early morning we will bring him into bed with us and snuggle up for a while before getting up, minus the headbutts to my nose, I love when that happens.

Every day it seems like there is something new, a sound, skill, behavior, expression, personality, it's never ending.

I don't want to forget all these amazing moments.

Friday, March 15, 2013

This Week In Pics

It has been way too long but here is my week in pics, I finally have enough energy and am awake enough to be taking pictures again. 

Seriously, this is what was on my surgeons desk when we went for a follow up

Just because he's so darn cute

Out in the park with Aunt Leanne

One of my first walks outside, the paparazzi was everywhere

Enjoying freedom

and fresh air

My cousin Valery came to visit and was so great with Owen

Almond latte love

He's getting pretty heavy so I need to get creative


He may be teething again as he would not let me out of his sight at all today

Monday, March 11, 2013

Six Week Post Op

Here is another video update. I do these in one take, unscripted and just trim the ends where I start and end the recording and therefor tend to miss some things.
My right ear is a little soggy as you can see, the surgeon said to wait for the swelling to go down completely and wait for the fat to settle. They removed some fat from my belly and put it where the tumor used to be. He also said that it's good I am a woman as I can grow out my hair to cover it up so I'm not to optimistic about it getting much perkier.
As well, I have come to realize that I have a blind spot on my right side. With no hearing and my vision a bit wonky I have no idea if someone is standing right behind me, so be kind and approach me from the left side!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

This Month In Pics pt 2

Some more of the pics Rob took while I was in the hospital

Makin' friends

Furniture surfing

Two awesome guys of my life

Oh yes, training is starting early

Who knew the laundry hamper could be so much fun

No seriously, it's great

Any time is good for cheerio time

Goofy just like Dad

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Video Proof

It's small steps but I finally got it on video.