Sunday, April 23, 2017

A Happy 5th

So the 18th flew by but we were able to celebrate for the entire week with Saturday being the grand finale!

Tuesday the 18th we celebrated with
mini burgers on the bbq

I was too busy prepping cake and
cupcakes for the weekend
so grocery store cake it was

The only person who seemed to mind was Kate!

Of course presents after dinner

Wednesday was 20 after school so we
all played outside after dinner

I think this was the first time without a
jacket this year, so exciting

Owen hanging out with one of his buds

Mom, it's Friday!

I made chocolate treats for the kids
loot bags

Leanne came over Friday a did up a surprise for Owen in the basement.
He had no idea

Thank goodness Oma came over for a few days, I couldn't have done
it without her
Kate loved having all the kids over and
got right into it whenever
it got really noisy

Pizza, pirates and moustaches

The boys devoured the gold and bone

In fact, we didn't even cut the cake. No
worries, we did some good damage to
it after dinner

Owen was having a great time

Highlight was definitely the balloon room
where they had to dig for buried treasure

They could have played there all day

Every once and a while we would loose a body

One final treasure hunt

The guys had to find their treasure chest
loot bags

It was so sweet watching them all work
together to find them all

Time to crack them open and play

After everyone left, Owen went downstairs
and just played

I'm not kidding, rolling and jumping in the
balloons for ever

Sunday, so happy

Owen helped me in the garden for an hour
while Kate napped, I might have
worked him a bit hard

He was practically asleep during dinner...
at 4:30!!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

This Week (or so) In Pics

I was feeling kind of blue one day so a visit to the garden centre
usually fixes that. I can't wait to plant these.

Kate loooooves bath time, very
little water remains in the tub

We woke up Friday the 7th to this
bad joke from mother nature

Mango and peas for Kate

Owen and I started our flowers for the
season, always exciting

It's true, she really is a happy baby

Saturday the 8th we were going to visit
Leanne so Owen wanted to do his
own hair

Notice the bowtie, he loves getting
dressed up for an occasion

Once we arrived it was determined that we
had to go get ice cream

No arguments here!

Owen in his happy place

"I luv yo frum Owen"

Enjoying the sunny evening, one day after
that crazy snowy pic from above

Owen trying out his new sun glasses

Our walk to school is always entertaining

Picked up a travel booster seat for Kate,
looking forward to using it this weekend
at the parents

Tonight was a first bath for these two together,
fun times indeed

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

This Week in Pics

I made ribs and corn so naturally Kate
wanted in on the action

Big brother watching her with care

Oma came to visit for a few days and we all had tons of fun together

Anything more than a tank top and I'm too
hot, this has been me all winter!

Finally got around to bottling my rhubarb wine and so had
to samples some. It was surprisingly decent, should be
good in a couple of months

Made a batch of baby cereal pancakes for Kate

I think she likes them!

These two are so amazing together

Owens request for breakfast this weekend,
I decided to get creative

I was a beautiful, sunny weekend so we
packed a picnic and headed to the park

We were all happy to get outside for a bit

April is here and Owen has been sure to
remind me every day that it's his birthday this
month. Sunday we tested a cake recipe out
for his party

Some may see this as over indulgence
for my child...

Truth is, it's an easy excuse for me to eat

One week and my flowers have already sprouted

As I was cleaning the floor from dinner,
Kate reached over to the table, grabbed her
bowl and wanted to finish off the rest of
her rice, chicken and peas

For me this is a true sign of spring,
rhubarb sprouting

Sean stopped by Sunday and stayed the night
so naturally Owen wanted a walk
to school with him

Love them