Thursday, June 27, 2013

This Week In Pics

Having a blast at the Canoe Park slash pad

A comfy place to catch up on his reading

We had a wonderful play date with friends

Owen loved going on here so much, he kept going back


Back at Metta's place checking out all the toys

Stealing a kiss

This week has been a bit rough for us all, the fourth molar is slowly making its way

I think I'm more tired than Owen in this one

Almond butter and jam,

couldn't get enough!!

Making more friends at the Roundhouse

I think these two went for a tour of the Steamwhistle Brewery

Monday, June 24, 2013


If you look really close you will see a single tear on my right side on my chin. This is a big deal for two reasons: first, it's my right side which has not had any tears for about five months and second this tear decided to show up just as my two scooters were being taken away.

Yes, that's both of them, on the flat bed. Rob drained the old gas and topped it up with new but after sitting idle for almost two years they were not so willing to start. so off they go to the guys at Fada Scooters in Kensington. With so many changes in my life right now it's probably time to sell the scooters, I guess a name change for the blog is in order.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

This Week In Pics

I'm a bit lat in this post, Owen and I were up at my parents place for a week, got back Monday afternoon and the rest of the week just disappeared on me. So here are some pics of our time up north.

Owen's hair is getting a bit long

Slowly getting used to the horse

Owen just loved the straw hat and rubber boots Oma got him

Checking out his apple tree

Breakfast with Grandpa

Early morning hello's

The view is so much better from in the basket

Playing hide and seek with Oma

"I'm not doing anything"
Bath time fun

Making funny faces on the ride home

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

This Week In Pics

Downward Dog

Smokin' new sunglasses 

Afternoon chuckles

Owen getting a foot massage from his girlfriend Metta

And then she put the moves on him

Hangin out with Dad at the market

This is what happens when I leave my phone alone while I sleep in 

So sweet

Monday, June 3, 2013

This Week In Pics

Tough choices at the park

The Music Garden across the street is starting to fill in

We had a great visit with my cousin and her three sweet kids, Emerson and Isabella were all over Rob

Good times

This week was all about the climbing,

Everything and
