Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Pic Update

We have all been suffering with colds for the past couple of weeks, thankfully we all seem to be on the tail end of it. I'm hoping that by the weekend we should be feeling better. Not much has been going on because of that but here are a few pics of the past week or so.

Kate is obsessed with hard boiled eggs,
both peeling and eating them!

Owen has been watching the Little Rascals
lately and wanted his hair like Alfalfas

Speaking of hair, I got another cut and you can't
really tell from the pic but a lot was cut off
and I loooooooove it

This past weekend was beautiful out and Owen wanted to
ride his bike. Monday he was already geared up and
ready to go to school, I couldn't say no!! Looks
like a bigger bike is in the cards this spring

Kate was helping me vacuum yesterday

Followed by a tea break of course.
Thanks Oma for the tea set, she really loves it

Monday, January 22, 2018

A Mini Reno

We had a crazy thaw a few days ago, even
the bunnies were out enjoying it

The boys spent most of Sunday putting together
all the the new shelving for the new room
in the basement

Not quite finished but I now have a space to call my own and I am beyond
excited. This was a dark and crowded storage area in the basement
and we were able to get rid of so much old "stuff" that a sewing area
could now be. Rob tore up the old laminate, put in the new floor, put up
some new drywall, painted everything else white and installed
new led lighting in the room. Once its complete I will post again

Of course the wonderful thaw was quickly
followed by more snow, luckily these two
were very happy to help me shovel

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Pic Update

The Christmas break was a busy one for us. Owen spent a week at my parents while Rob and I did some major cleaning/editing and continued with the renovations. We are still busy working away on home improvements so by the time the kids are in bed and we've spent a few hours working, I'm spent! 

Here are a few pics from the Christmas holidays. 

The boys admiring their work

Christmas morning. Both kids were incredibly
excited. Owen because he knew what was
going on and Kate was feeding off his
energy. It was awesome to watch.

Owen teaching Kate about the joy of
opening stockings

She was quick to understand the concept
of opening presents and was looking for more

Fun times

Kate got this placemat for Christmas and will
now go get it and put it on her table
if she wants to eat

Having fun with her reflection

After her nap one day she demanded that I pass her all har toys so
she could set them all up herself

Owen finally came back and Oma and
Grandpa stayed for a few days. Of course
Kate had to try out Owens new ninja costume

Luckily there were a few brought for her as well and
she wanted them all on at once

It was back to school finally and both
kids were happy with the fresh dump
of snow to play in