Monday, March 27, 2017

This Week in Pics

These two love hanging out together

Over march break Owen made this pirate
ship, I only glued things into place
where he told me to

My second ever thing I crocheted, first being
a blanket. It's an octopus that still needs
it's eyes!

Owen love's it when Kate wrestles with him

With march break finally over we can get
back to our morning lattes together

Kate has quickly become very comfortable
with sitting on her own

Very typical of what I get when trying to
snap a pic of this dude

Spring weather is finally starting to arrive

I think she was trying to give a kiss, or
a lick!

Good morning my sunshines

Owen is finally eating hard boiled eggs, yeah!

Owen helped me convert his chair back to a highchair for Kate

And she loves being able to join us at the table now

For the most part at least!

Mmmmm, broccoli

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Oh Sleep

Kate is now 6 months and I figured it was time to start sleep training with this girl. She's just getting to heavy for me to rock every night and we waited until 8 months for Owen which was a bit challenging if I remember correctly. As I write this we are on day 3 and it's going ok so far. I have been loosely following the guidelines set out for Owen from the WeeSleep program we had signed up for and it's helping keep me focused.
First night was 45 min of crying then she fell asleep, not bad. Day 2, first nap, went surprisingly well as she didn't cry at all after laying her down. We had a bunch of running around to do so nap three was in the car and bedtime was later than I would have liked. After half an hour of screaming I caved and nursed her to sleep and called it a night.
Today's naps have been really good with minimal crying (20 min) then asleep for 45 min or so. Fingers crossed for tonight!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Mini Kitchen Reno

Rob has recently finished another reno on our home and we are both very pleased with it. It was the back kitchen wall where we have our coffee station set up. I could not find any proper before pics but the one below you get a glimpse of the kitchen wall in the background. Bottom half is wood panels and the top half was chunks of peeled off cream coloured paint, I never even looked at the wall any longer it was so ugly.

Looots of patching, sanding and the primer
coat covering the wood below

Primer coat going on

Rob decided to replace the oak baseboard
with a more modern looking one, already
the wall was looking so much better

Here's a better angle to see the entire wall

This was not a quick job as he went
over everything, re patched,
sanded and primed again

Bottom half painted

Finished! Rob calls this the "happy wall" and I would agree.

The far board is Owen's art board and is constantly changing. We cut off the
top half of the coffee stand and mounted a couple of shelves instead

Not bad for using up a couple of cans of random paint found in the basement!

Sunday, March 12, 2017


Last saturday we all jumped into the truck and headed out to do some errands. The day was getting late so we stopped to grab a quick dinner before heading home. As I often do, I gave Kate my glass to sip/play with the water when Rob and I heard a small clinking sound.
Sure enough, a tooth had finally emerged! We all got one day of relief when the teething started up again. Well, yesterday (saturday) the second one appeared. I have to say, it's been a looooong and sleepless two weeks and we are all pretty excited for this.
Kate has been loving the feeling of her new teeth, blowing raspberries and bubbles all the time now.

Friday, March 3, 2017

This Week In Pics

Every day she's getting stronger
Annnd there she goes!

This is what family time usually looks like

I had asked Rob to make me some breakfast one morning,
this is what I got. Guess I should have been a bit more
specific with my request, hahaha

A delicious lunch of leftovers,
mmmmm steak

My mom was visiting so we cracked open
some ciders to test. No bad

Owen figured out how to use the front
camera on my phone

Then he asked if he could go and "make some pictures" 

Kate's first time in the exersaucer,
aka circle of neglect

We popped into Toronto to see Leanne
for a coffee date

We asked Owen to get dressed and he
came down like this. Seriously!
Blueberry banana muffins and
coffee banana bread to stock up the freezer

I've been getting better about making
smoothies again, this one was a spinach,
mango, celery and water. it was pretty good

We had a week of VERY spring like weather,
this photo sums up how we all felt about it

The bunnies are back (they never went to be honest)
and Owen is trying to feed him

Patiently waiting...

Grrrrrr, teething

Our not so little dude and I goofing for
the camera

Owen snapped Kates first attempt at eating,
it was some of my smoothie which she loved