Yup, two years old. This past year has been an interesting one and a fast one.
Owen is very chatty and picks up on new words daily. He can be very opinionated some days, very typical for a two year old. He loves to be outside all the time and when he sees the other kids out there he will put on his boots and run to the door yelling "outside, outside".
We still have him in the crib as I am not ready to deal with him coming out of his room when he feels like it and he still fits in his crib. Potty training has sort of started, I say sort of because he's showing signs that he's ready so I'm easing into it, no rush just yet. If we do some diaper free time he is really good about sitting on the potty to go to the washroom but not so happy about me dumping it down to toilet. As in total meltdown for the past two mornings!
He knows the alphabet and can count up to eleven, he has even counted backwards from five successfully. Owen loves anything with buttons, knobs or levers. I pulled out my sewing machine recently and he loves to move all the levers and gauges. He also loves when Rob pulls out his tools to do some work and he will happily help out Dad.
Lately my favourite thing he does is want hugs from both Rob and I at the same time, usually in the morning in bed or when Rob goes to work in the morning. Owen will pull us both in and wrap his arms around our necks and say "hugs".
We love him so much.
There were lots of balloons waiting for him on the morning of his birthday |
He started to get the hang of it |
A little bit of chalk and lots of sun for the weekend |
He's getting much more confident when climbing |
Even going down the big slide without my coaxing |
He slept like this on me for over an hour. I loved it |
Bubbles with the kids |
He wanted to sit on the potty this morning while watching TV |