Tuesday night helping Dad |
Putting together a bench for the front entrance |
Finished and looking good |
Thursday we stayed home and by Friday everything was looking great. Back to school and work for Friday.
Saturday we went skating. It started off good but went downhill pretty quick. |
You can't tell from this pic but by the afternoon Owen was covered in hives and quite uncomfortable. |
Speaking with the Dr we figured it was the antibiotics he was on for the throat infection from last week. He prescribed some steroids to bring down the reaction and an epi pen to keep on hand, just to be safe. Rob stayed home with him Monday as he was still suffering and by Tuesday he was finally starting to feel better. So, a week and a half later, three separate issues and he is finally back to himself today. We will need to bring him to get tested to confirm any allergy, just to be safe.
Now unfortunately Rob has caught Owens cold and is in need of some TLC.