Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Pic Update

Hello Spring

Owen dressed himself, note the bow tie and
pant colour coordination! 

She hasn't even begun to crawl and stairs
are already intriguing

Captain Nutella face and Ms. Smiles

All the rain we've been getting
has been great for the plants and trees

Yes, our basement is still a balloon play zone

Owen made his own computer. I'm just blown away with his creativity

Looks like she's getting a bit big for
her bathtub. Bummer, as this was
the only way I could manage a shower
while she's awake

Kate went from hating the grass...

to loving it. I only took two days of trying.


Yahoo, ice cream truck

My family came to visit for Mother's day/Dad's birthday weekend

We loved having a full house for the weekend

A great excuse to fire up the bbq

Birthday cake

I think they were negotiating who gets
the bigger piece

She's finally getting the hang of it

Cuddles with Oma

Thanks to Uncle Sean, she now enjoys playing in the grass

Naptime means baby monitor on the
shoulder and me in the garden

Fun in the school yard

Seriously adorable

This is a typical drop off at school, all of Owen's friends must come over
and say good morning

T-shirt weather has finally arrived

Enjoying his latte, just like mom

Big brother giving Kate her first
driving lesson

Owen requested dinner on the deck this weekend and seeing as I had
not set up the patio furniture yet, it literally was!

Aaaahhh, barefoot in the grass

Long weekends are a great excuse for
lots of extra play time

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Pic Update

"I'm pretty sure this is not the
same as what your eating mom"

He loves looking after Kate

Uncle Sean came to visit so naturally
Owen was checking out all his stuff

"Mom, you won't believe what's under here"

Owen is really appreciating the new asphalt
our street got last fall, he's using almost
the whole street as his canvas

I was out for a walk with the ladies and came across someones
curly willow clippings, carried them home and they are now
rooting in a vase! Now to decide where to plant them.

It was incredibly sunny and warm after school one day so we all hung
out front to enjoy

Kate loves pulling out all her toys from the box

Looking sharp

Weekends I need to get creative...

In order to enjoy a couple of quiet
moments for myself

Shaving cream, water colours and paper

This was an incredibly quick and easy project
that turned out really well

My little lego master put this together
in two evenings after school all
by himself

Kate does these amazing squishy
smiles, here I caught only part of one 
I could easily make this whole blog about
Kate and her smiles

"Tonight is a Rock and Roll Bath Mom". Seriously, he
comes up with the most amazing things sometimes

Cold and raining but he still wanted
to play outside after school

Proud Mom moment

I love these two

It was a solid 20 min of hysterics because
Owen kept dropping the card. I have no
idea what was so funny but it didn't
matter, it was awesome

Off to a friends birthday this weekend

While Kate and I grabbed a few groceries

I had put her sitting in the middle of the
4 x 4 mat and within minutes
found her like this

Put her back, sitting, and then this. Looks
loke she had figured out how to
push herself backwards, oh dear.

Look who is loving my biscotti

Getting creative with leftovers. It's now Broccoli,
carrot and pear for Kate and she
devoured it