As anyone with kids will tell you at any given time, it's been a busy month! Owen had March Break which he spent at my parents while we worked on the house and Kate's room.
Here is a recap of the past month for us...
These two really do love each other so much, I love just watching them play together |
Burrito's for dinner and of course Kate will only eat if Owen feeds her |
I managed to make Kate this very sweet jumper during nap time |
Kate dressed herself to go get Owen from school |
Owen received an award at school for collaboration with his peers and my parents surprised us all at the awards ceremony. We are so proud of him. |
In between all this snow and ice we are getting there was an opportunity to do some spring cleaning in the garden |
Family Easter was held in Toronto and Uncle Paul pulled out his vintage port that Opa and him had made. It was surprisingly good. |
And then the kids attacked!! |
One of our larger trees was blown over into the neighbours yard |
Help soon arrived to clean it all up |
Which provided awesome entertainment for the kids. Kate was trying desperately to get outside as you can see |
FINALLY!!! Kate's room was finished and she's in. She kept walking in and saying "wow" and "nice". So very sweet |
Owen loves to get Kate out of her crib in the morning and bring her down for breakfast |
The temp went up to double digits one evening so the boys got outside and were practicing on the bike. |
Owen's birthday is tomorrow and we've been prepping for his party. Thankfully everyone helped make these crayon figures. Now the cake and rest of the party favours. |
At Last! Owen has had a loose tooth since march break. He came down last night after going to bed and pulled it out. You can see his other tooth has already started to come in behind. |