Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

All my life I have always loved dressing up, such great memories of my Mom making our Halloween costumes every year and when I was old enough started making my own.
I am so excited to continue the tradition of making the Halloween costumes and look forward to what Owen will com up with, but until then, we're doin' it my way! Bahahaha

His sour milk costume

This Week In Pics

Chewing on some chicken for dinner

Story time

New Buds

Loving the afternoon sun in the park

Thursday, October 25, 2012


It's so wonderful to be able to catch up with friends you have not seen in four years like it was only yesterday and even better to now both have wee ones to share the experience with.

Buddies sharing a moment

Luckily for us today is a beautiful sunny day so we went to the park to play. Owen loved watching Henry climb all around and was anxious to try it on his own, soon enough! 

Thanks for the play date Heather and Henry.

Monday, October 22, 2012

This Week In Pics

All cuddly for Fall

Happy boy

Watching the traffic with great interest

"I will call him mini me"

Hanging out with Grandad at the Distillery

Watching VocabuLarry

Enjoying playtime at the Community Center

His new game of pulling off my glasses

Sunday, October 21, 2012

And Then There Was One

After a good two weeks of discomfort and quite a few sleepless nights we have a tooth! 

It's pretty sharp so chewing on our fingers is getting a bit risky but it also means that he now is able to gnaw off little bits of carrot or broccoli that we give him which is pretty cool. It also looks like the second one will be making an appearance soon. 

Some out takes from our attempt to get a shot of his tooth. Such mean parents!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Six Months

Time does not stand still no matter how tired you are, in fact it seems to be going by even faster. Six months today we were suddenly a family of three. Rob and I were in our hospital room just staring in complete awe of the teeny little boy that we were blessed with, he smelled so amazing and was quite happy to be snuggled up close to either of us for the next three days we were there.
Well, fast forward six short but long months and our boy has grown a lot, has a wide selection of smells and luckily still loves to snuggle up with us.

Teething sucks! 

This past month feels like it was all about the teething. It lasted for a week, or was that two, I don't really remember much other than there was a lot of cuddling throughout the night, fussy days and anything frozen was a great treat to chew on. After all that he has one tooth that finally broke through last week and a second one not to far behind. We are more cautious now in offering our fingers to chew on!

Yes, that is a trail of drool pooling on the sofa

I guess the other big event has been the introduction of solid food. I had been giving him frozen food in the fantastic food sock to try and he has been really enjoying banana, mango, melon, avocado and peas. In the past week Owen has been given steamed carrot about the size of my pinky finger to chew on along with apple, avocado and chicken. Yes, a chunk of chicken and he loved that one the most! He is given pieces of food that are around pinky finger size so he can hold onto it and we let him do his thing. Most of the time he chews away, sometimes plays with it or sometimes just loses interest and drops it in favor of a toy. It's pretty exciting to watch and I will be sure to do more in depth posts on baby led weaning.

I love you.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Giving Thanks

Giving thanks for the wonderful life that is mine. I have a lot to be thankful for, a beautiful son, an amazing husband, a wonderful family, inlaws that care for us as they would care for their own child, an incredible extended family, fantastic friends and the opportunity to share a wonderful meal with them all from time to time.

Yes, this post is a bit late but I am thankful every day.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

This Week In Pics

Not to sure about my green smoothie

Helping Dad select some wine for dinner

Tea with Leanne on her Birthday

Bath time fun

Do you ever get the feeling that someone is watching you?

Waiting patiently while Mom and  Dad get their hair cut

Getting goofy in the park

Stop kissing me, there's people watching

Always great to meet up with friends

Especially the cute ones ;)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Two Weeks In Pics

I have been working part time from home for the past couple of weeks covering the pager for the two agents I worked with while I was pregnant. So, the moments that I have had to myself have mostly been doing some work, not that there has been tons of work, just not much me time. Owen is growing up so fast that I am wanting to spend every moment I can with him, I never know when he will grow out of one stage and onto the next.

A gray but beautiful day

Nothing better than a cozy sweater and cuddles when your feeling under the weather

Laughs and giggles with Oma

Birthday mimosas with Leanne and Mom

Afternoon naps, so peaceful

Quite possibly our last patio of the season

My obsession with shooting my shoes, I can't explain

Owens obsession with cell phones

Off to the Island for some fun

Flashbacks to my childhood trips to the Island

Warm, sunny and peaceful on the pier

Ferry ride home

Making his morning phone calls

The disappointment of an empty wallet

Favorite past time of watching traffic from the patio

Yeah for fall footwear