Friday, October 25, 2013

This Week In Pics

It's amazing how quickly half a month can slip by. We have been busy with friends visiting, Grandparents staying over, multiple visits to the Pumpkin patch, Thanksgiving, a wedding and the sudden use of the word NO. All parents out there should know what I am talking about.

Friends over for a BBQ, somehow the wives and kids disappeared

Looking for the Great Pumpkin

Still looking

The boys next door were teaching him to play tennis

Owen found a dandelion and ran around blowing on it

He was having so much fun
Lattes with Oma in the morning

Oma and Grandpa came to visit = lots of time outdoors

Playing in the leaf pile that the Grandparents made

A rare meetup of the siblings actually caught on film

This is what happens when you are
not allowed to vacuum any more

Having a great time at the Early Childhood Centre

Owen figured out how to turn on my phone, unlock it and
start taking pics

Hanging out in his graffiti box.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Yesterdays post was a segway into today's post, our new car and the drama that followed.
As Owen and I were playing outside recently and Rob dove up, but not in the Blueberry. To be honest I didn't think twice about it, I just figured it was a rental and the Blueberry was in for service. Then our friend Arman pulled in the drive and I guessed something was up.

Of course Owen was quite excited and Rob gave him the keys to play with as we all went in for a visit. After convincing me the Blueberry was no more, the guys were off again, we went out side again to say buy then go check out the new car. Turns out that in less than 20 minutes Owen had managed to put the keys somewhere very special, aka, loose them!
I checked the main floor as that's the only place we had been, with no luck. Rob arrived home a short time later and so our search began. First the house, inch by inch, then the front yard and neighbours yard as well. We went over it by hand with no luck and it was beginning to get dark.

Off to bed with no keys.

Next morning, Arman showed up before 8 and we were on the front lawns again. The guys took off to buy a couple rakes and were back with coffees as well, thank goodness. The guys raked while I went though each pile by hand, still no keys. Finally one of our friendly neighbours called CAA and they were here within 15 minutes. After some jiggling, door was opened and we could at least get to the second set of keys.

That evening Rob walked into the kitchen with this.

They were located here.

Don't know how he managed to stuff them into the toe but he did, looks like no more keys for Owen! 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Post Op Mini Update

It has been a very long time since I have done any sort of update on my recovery. It's still progressing and even though it's been eight months I still am not myself, that being said, I have improved greatly in these eight months and this morning was a really big for me.

 I drove.
Not only did I drive but I packed Owen into the car and the two of us went all the way to the grocery store, did a shop and came back. It was pretty exciting for me.
Rob had taken me this past weekend and got me to drive around the Home Depot parking lot so that was my first official time driving, it was pretty good as long as it's not too busy so no rush hour driving for now.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Something For A Rainy Day

Since summer is officially over I thought a selection of short videos I have shot over the summer would be fun to go through on a rainy day like today.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

This Week In Pics

I would love to be doing more frequent posts as well as more than just pics but napping when Owen is down is taking priority. Hopefully soon I can skip the odd nap. Until then, enjoy!

We got a babysitter and headed out for a
hot date, it was wonderful

The ladies took us on an adventure one morning

Coffee at the bottom of the hill

This hill

One of our neighbours dropped off these pears
 from his backyard

Owen's been sick all week so sleep has been tough

As well as our walks

He always has time for his girlfriends though

Lots of cuddles this week, which I'm happy to do

Already doing the garden chores