Friday, October 25, 2013

This Week In Pics

It's amazing how quickly half a month can slip by. We have been busy with friends visiting, Grandparents staying over, multiple visits to the Pumpkin patch, Thanksgiving, a wedding and the sudden use of the word NO. All parents out there should know what I am talking about.

Friends over for a BBQ, somehow the wives and kids disappeared

Looking for the Great Pumpkin

Still looking

The boys next door were teaching him to play tennis

Owen found a dandelion and ran around blowing on it

He was having so much fun
Lattes with Oma in the morning

Oma and Grandpa came to visit = lots of time outdoors

Playing in the leaf pile that the Grandparents made

A rare meetup of the siblings actually caught on film

This is what happens when you are
not allowed to vacuum any more

Having a great time at the Early Childhood Centre

Owen figured out how to turn on my phone, unlock it and
start taking pics

Hanging out in his graffiti box.

1 comment:

  1. lattes with Oma <3 love it. That is an especially sweet photo!
