Friday, January 24, 2014

This Week In Pics

Snuggled into our bed one morning playing with
the cell phone

Stickers are a great source of entertainment

Out for a walk, checking out more of the ice storm damage

Heading out to shovel the drive with my new Sorels

Owen loves to sneak up the stairs when we are not looking 


Giving him his privacy in the bathroom I come in to
find that he unrolled the entire roll of toilet paper

With my energy levels still improving I'm doing more cooking

He loves to read the Richard Scarry book Leanne got him

Contrary to his expression, he loved the pumpkin chocolate
chip loaf I made

Diaper changes are starting to become a game now. Owen
will run around and hide saying Nooooo

Frosty bedroom window one early morning

Back molars are starting to poke through so its
been a tough day

Saturday, January 11, 2014

This Week In Pics

It has been a few weeks so here are some pics for you to catch up on.

Bathtime bubbles are always fun 
Snow mountain in the court is continuing to grow

We had a couple of snow days so Mackie came over to play

We finally unpacked the last boxes that were hanging around

The only reason to make a tower is to knock it down again

Happy camper after our first swim lesson

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Another Milestone

It has occurred to me that I have stopped using straws to drink. With just half of my mouth having mobility drinking and eating have been a challenge this past year but slowly it has been improving. During our vacation to Jamaica I stopped using a straw with every drink and it seems to have stuck!
I don't ever remember consciously deciding to stop, it seemed to have happened naturally. Yahoo.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Jamaica Pics 2013

It seems to be taking me way to long to post pics of our trip to Jamaica so here are a few that were taken on my phone, hopefully soon I will grab the pics off the camera and post them as well. 
Aaah 30 degrees, such a distant memory!!

Of course Owen fell asleep just as we were landing

Heading to the pool after breakfast

Lunchtime laughs

We had a bit of rain followed by this stunning rainbow

The only way to eat a muffin, with a spoon in bed

Patties and drinks on our patio while Owen was napping

Arriving back in Toronto, checking out all the snow

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to everyone from all of us. Rob and I stayed up past midnight to make sure 2013 was over as we are looking forward to a new year, it's got to be better than last year, right?