Friday, January 24, 2014

This Week In Pics

Snuggled into our bed one morning playing with
the cell phone

Stickers are a great source of entertainment

Out for a walk, checking out more of the ice storm damage

Heading out to shovel the drive with my new Sorels

Owen loves to sneak up the stairs when we are not looking 


Giving him his privacy in the bathroom I come in to
find that he unrolled the entire roll of toilet paper

With my energy levels still improving I'm doing more cooking

He loves to read the Richard Scarry book Leanne got him

Contrary to his expression, he loved the pumpkin chocolate
chip loaf I made

Diaper changes are starting to become a game now. Owen
will run around and hide saying Nooooo

Frosty bedroom window one early morning

Back molars are starting to poke through so its
been a tough day

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sherri;

    Great pictures. Love them all. So good to see all the activity. Mom can't wait to see you guys.


