Tuesday, August 26, 2014

This Week In Pics

It was a very fun and adventurous week for us up at Camp Kelly. We both had such a great time and look forward to doing it again soon. (Somehow have to figure out how to skip the driving part)

Oma standing by her enormous zucchini plant

Day one of Owen and the chickens, by day four
he was chasing them

After all the excitement of getting here, nap time
happened quickly curled up beside me

He loved playing with the blocks and truck, same ones
we had as kids. Thanks for holding on to all our stuff!!

We took Owen down to the beach (boat launch) not expecting much of a
favourable response. Were we ever wrong!!

All he wanted to do was keep digging in the sand
and take Oma deeper into the water

He loved it

Another exhausting day of having fun at Oma and Grandpas

Having some quiet time watching truck videos, what else!

Even though it was cloudy and cool,

It was right back to the beach 

This time we came prepared with snacks and dry clothes

I had a nice break for the week, Owen only wanted
to read stories and have bathtime with Oma

Grandpa was busy repairing the Airstream and Owen
was more than happy to help out

Jackpot!! He found Grandpas secret bobcat key.
Oh the power.

I finally got to try out the BGH and grilled up some vegis
for the family pig roast Saturday morning

As you can see, Owen was pretty excited to get to the party

The guest of honour. Take note of the handle and other high tech equipment
used in roasting. Love it

Owen was quite interested in it all, kept saying he wanted
to eat the nose

Katie expertly carving while we all hovered
 And that was it for pics. Owen and I left the party around 8pm and drove home, happy to see daddy after almost a week away.

1 comment:

  1. we loved spending the time with you two. it all ended so quickly. looking forward to our next visit to you. it will have to wait til after the quilt show though. i am soo feeling the pressure to get my work completed.
