Sunday, December 7, 2014

Bolton Santa Claus Parade

The pics are not much to look at but we had a great time on Saturday at the Bolton Santa Claus Parade. I'm pretty sure everyone under the age of six was there, amazing how many little people reside here!

We parked ourselves about half way along the route,
this pic was to try and show how busy
it was.

Santa Claus parade = Shriners

Selfie of the two of us with our neighbour photo bombing.

The fire department had several trucks which was a
highlight as well as they were handing
out chocolate

Checking out the horses in the parade

Another crowd shot

Sunday was a nice quiet day with Rob doing house cleaning,
Owen playing with his bud Mackie so I took the opportunity
and started another batch of cider

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sherri;

    Love your new header picture. Looks like Owen enjoyed the horses the best. Thanks for sharing.


