Sunday, June 7, 2015

This Week In Pics

Lately when I try to take a pic, this is what I get 
Last weekend the neighbours had a few of us over for a bbq and we
all had a great time. I'm going to be sad to see them go in a couple of weeks.

One morning heading out to school he was just
so cute I couldn't pass on a pic

This Sat morning I had both boys playing together
while Janet put baby Sidney down for a nap
across the street. It was a lot of fun.

I had made up some chalk paint for the boys to get
outside and play with. To keep it easy I gave them
each a squeezy bottle full of paint.

They loved it

Then it was on to chasing each other up and down
the driveway

That afternoon we all went to a retirement party, Oma and
Grandpa were there! Unfortunately there were far to
many people and I had a really difficult time. I don't know
if it was all the noise but I wasn't ready for it.

Today the kids managed to flag down the ice cream truck
and everyone was pretty excited.

1 comment:

  1. It sure was noisy/busy/claustrophobic at the party. I had planned on staying longer but I was feeling a little overwhelmed too. Glad to see the 3 of you. It was really nice to see how many people came out to celebrate, but WOW, busy house. (I hope they hired a house cleaner the next day!!!)
