Sunday, November 22, 2015

An Update

It's 8pm on Sunday night, Owen's been asleep for an hour, I've had a shower and still have enough energy to do a post! Good times.

Skating lessons have not been going too well so...

Daddy and Owen have been spending quality time
at our local rink instead.

Someone got a hold of my phone one morning, obviously I was
taking too long to get ready

A proof of the cuteness overload from school.

Last weekend my parents took Owen for several days

The three of them had a wonderful time together

Lego was a big hit as usual

We relaxed. The entire time.

We made pizzas, Owens were the proper happy faces

As soon as Halloween was over, Owen was begging
to set up Christmas. I've been slowly getting
things out.

It's been getting chillier in the mornings as you
can see by Owen and Mr. Floppy all bundled up

Getting a little nutty for the camera!

Because Rob doesn't have enough on the go, he has
decided to move the door of the cold cellar from its
current position to directly at the bottom of the stairs

Here he is trying to convince me that he's doing it
all with the needle nose pliers

1 comment:

  1. Construction jobs done with needle nose pliers are the easiest. Any time you need a break send Owen in our directions. We had a ball together.
    Love Mom and Dad
