Saturday, September 21, 2019


Kate celebrated her third birthday on the 14th, WOW
For an entire week it was all about singing happy birthday, reading birthday themed books and playing birthday baker. She was just a wee bit excited!

My parents were visiting the week before so an early birthday
celebration it was. Balloons, party hats and presents

I made up cupcakes in icecream cones, something I
remember from my childhood. Topped with chocolate
and vanilla swirl icing, they were a hit

Kate wanted a rainbow party so sprinkle cake mix
to the rescue.

The following week was time to get some serious cake
baking done

Four of the six layers. I thought I has three pans but
only had two so baking took a lot longer that planned

No idea how I did it, but I managed to pull this
together without Kate noticing

She was so excited to have another birthday party and
another cake!

Leanne, Sean and Maggie joined us which was really fun, I loved
having everyone join us

Kate loved her rainbow cake and I was pretty proud
of what I was able to create

Might of even had a piece for breakfast

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