Thursday, March 26, 2020

Good Times

My Celebratory drink, a dalgona coffee, whipped coffee
on top of iced milk. Fun to make and even more
fun to drink
Well, MRI was quick and the drive in and back was even quicker. No surprise there.

One of the Dr's from my team called and let us know that the images showed that my tumor had reduced in size since November and the surrounding edema was reducing as well. This was the best news I could possibly get as I was preparing myself for surgery. Even with the steroids I am still dealing with several symptoms from the tumor, tongue and right side facial numbness amongst others. Because of this I was figuring that we had just pissed of my tumor instead of stabilizing it and it had grown again! I will have another MRI in 6 of 7 months to confirm. Only then will I feel like I have won this round of the battle.

The Dr. explained that my nerves had been damaged as a result of the swelling and we will not know immediately if it is permanent or will repair itself. Only time will tell. I'm somewhat used to it with my left side nerve damage so I guess this makes me a more balanced person?

We have established a 12 week program to get off the steroids with the understanding that if my tumor induced symptoms become more severe I am stay on them. So, here's hoping the next few months go smoothly and I can move on from this chapter and onto bigger and better things.

I had my pick of primo free parking at the hospital,
it's the least they could do! Hahaha

1 comment:

  1. BEST NEWS Sherri! So glad you see a light at the end of this tunnel! 😘
    Keep well and stay strong!
