Sunday, April 5, 2020

Week 3 in Lockdown

Dressing up was the theme of the week, luckily we
have a pretty great dress up box to go through 
Two spidermen kept me safe for the day

Our walks were pretty entertaining

Still making our weekly sourdough sandwich bread and
I'm getting pretty happy with the results

Trying something new this year, mini greenhouses to
start our kale, chard and spinach. Rather than start the seeds
indoors then transplanting, I'm direct sowing and covering with
jugs to mimic a greenhouse. Hope it works! 
Like everyone else, haircuts are starting to be needed. Rob
volunteered so the kids could start learning a new skill, hahaha.
We came upstairs to this, they were very excited to be cutting
daddy's hair

Starting with the scissors

and moving on to the clippers. I didn't get any pics of
Kate cutting, I think I was laughing too hard

Whipped together some delish burger buns for dinner
one night. Even remembered to record my
recipe this time, they were that good!

Probably one of the most exciting spring finds every year,
our rhubarb starting to sprout

Not to many places I feel comfortable bragging but since
this is my blog I'm ok with it here. The kids were doing
their daily homework and Kate was asking how to spell different
words. I wrote them on a seperate page for her to see and this
is what she did, all on her own, three years old. Oh Yeah

We got our tomatoes and peppers started today

As much as we are doing to cope with the lockdown
the kids do manage to climb the walls some days


  1. Okay! Laughed TIL I cried. Rob sure is a good sport! Did you and the kids get hair cuts as well?

  2. Looks like a fun filled week. Lookdown looks pretty good at your place; delicious food, crafts, haircuts, what more could one ask for?

  3. That is the best place to be locked in) you have a lovely home and energy Art&Mary,,kids are happy there!!
