Monday, September 26, 2011

Keeping Fit

Ever since I found out, I have been quite cautious about over exerting myself. Unfortunately it meant that I cut back way too much on my running this past month and have really noticed it. So this past weekend I got out twice for a very casual run and felt so much better for it. The weather was beautiful and I was doing something that makes me happy, nothing wrong with that.

I had noticed a few weeks ago that my heart rate was averaging higher than normal, about ten beats per min, and that I was getting winded quite quickly. After chatting with my super coach (Rob) it was decided that I will now be focusing on keeping my heart rate low and steady and to be sure to get out at least three days a week. No more hills, best times, just get out and enjoy. Funny thing was that once we decided that was the plan it was very easy to stick to it, even if it is waaayyy slower that normal.

As well, beginning on the treadmill downstairs in order to get used to it for the winter. Probably not a great idea to be running out in the cold and ice once I start to get lumpy.

Looking forward to keeping healthy and happy.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ultrasounds and Lentils

Our appointment was for mid day and Rob came to pick me up from home so we could go together. We nervously, well more me than anything else, drove over and filled out the necessary paperwork. I have a feeling that there will be a lot of that.

Luckily it was just a five minute wait and I was brought in. Good new, baby nested where it was supposed to and it's about the size of a lentil. After all the measurements were taken the technician went to get Rob so we could both see the wee one and it's heart beat.

That was pretty cool, and a lot more reassuring than just peeing on a stick!

A couple of hours after the appointment my Dr.'s office called to say that they had received the results back from the ultrasound and were confirming that I was pregnant. It was sweet of them to call but pretty funny.

Reality Check

So reality is starting to kick in and I realise that there are things to be done.

After making a few phone calls we are now on three different waiting lists for a Midwife so fingers crossed. I had also made an appointment with my Dr. just to confirm (bloodwork) and talk about options. A week later we are in the Dr.'s office going over OB references and which hospital we want to go to. I give some blood and that's about it. Rob was great to come along and take it all in with me.

Due to my uncertainty of timing, she sent me for a dating ultrasound for next week. Pretty cool.


The time has come, the inevitable is upon us and stretchy pants are in my future. 

And just to be sure that we didn't get a broken one, a different brand of test, a few days later. Not to sure if that means 2 -3 kids or 2 -3 weeks along.