Wednesday April 18, 2012
Having come back early from travelling down south, my parents were back in town. My Mom was staying with us for a couple of days while my Dad was at their place getting everything sorted to start construction again on their home. As I was getting big and awkward it was nice to have someone else around to hang out with during the day.
Rob had left for work around 7am so my Mom and I had a quick breakfast and latte and headed off to the St. Lawrence market to meet up with Leanne. The three of us walked around, grabbed some groceries and just hung out. Mom was heading back home in a couple of hours so grabbed some juice for the trip back while we all sat outside in the sun. I was feeling quite tired as well as agitated so decided it was best to part company and go home for a rest. They went shopping!
I didn't think much of it other than I must be tired, my belly was feeling quite hard but that was nothing really new either, so I sat in my comfy chair and had a nap before my midwife appointment. After about an hour of sleeping it was time to get up and get ready so I hopped into the shower hoping to shake the feeling of agitation that was still there. Little did I know that this was the last time I would be having a leisurely nap and extra long shower for a very long time.
It wasn't even five minutes of getting out of the shower and my water broke.
My first reaction was of fear very quickly followed by a good dose of holy shit reality. I paged my midwives to say that I would not be making my three o'clock appointment due to the fact my water had broke. They called back within minutes and instructed me to get on my hands and knees, call 911 and they would be meeting me at the hospital, end of story, no questions, do it now. By now I was quite calm (surprisingly) and agreed to do that after I had put some clothes on, well, Bianca put the law down and forbade me from doing anything else at all.
So, the first thing I do is call Rob! Asked him how his meeting went in the morning, assured him that I am all right but that my water had just broke and I needed to go to the hospital. I'm pretty sure that before I even finished telling him I could hear him packing up his laptop and clearing off his desk. Telling him I was going by ambulance, the midwives were going to meet us there and to please drive safe, there was a pause where we suddenly realised that this was really happening.
First to arrive was the fire department of at least two possibly four guys all standing in our front entrance with me on my hands and knees in the bedroom with only a towel between my legs. How glamorous. Shortly after them the two ambulance attendants arrived and they did the hand off. I was still obsessing about getting some clothes for some reason but was not allowed to move while they asked me questions and assessed the situation. Well, situation dictated that I get to the hospital asap so I was taken out to the gurney, which was in our hall, and wheeled out to my waiting limo, I mean ambulance. The attendants were kind enough to finally grab my robe, wallet, cell and house keys and we were off with sirens wailing.
Part two to follow shortly...