Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Breakfast On The Go

As you can tell by the lack of posts I have been very busy with Owen. Today I managed to get out for a good long walk early, before the rain was supposed to come, which meant that I needed to feed him but skip my breakfast. I made up my favorite breakfast smoothie instead, two bananas, two shots of espresso, two scoops of protein powder topped off with almond milk and out the door we went. It has been so very long since I have had any caffeine and savored every moment of it...still am! He loved the walk along the harbourfront and I was sure to point out all the swans, ducks and most exciting of all the fire department boat. As you can see above he was very entertained by it all.

Owen has been growing like a weed and is getting heavier to lift out of his bed during the late night feeds while I'm still half asleep. He is able to hold up his head and look around while on his belly now and does pretty well to push himself along the floor or up our chest, soon enough he will get the hang of it and start crawling. He was always moving around while inside me and now is no different, help!

He has finally grown big enough to fit into the cloth diapers so stay tuned for an update post on that soon. It has been very interesting to try out different styles and see the results. 


  1. Not only is he filling out the diapers, Owen is filling up his bed!
    Your power drink sounds so good. Yumm. Maybe you'll make that when I am up next time.
    Love you

  2. good for you for forcing your self out! thank goodness for smoothies! I need to come visit soon!!
