Wednesday, September 25, 2013

This Week In Pics

Waiting patiently for the banana muffins to finish

One of the many bunnies that
like to visit us

Owen having so much fun exploring the
school play yard

He always had to have a stick to poke around

Slowly my smile is improving

My most favourite smile

Friday, September 13, 2013

This Week In Pics

This week went by so quickly, my parents were visiting for three days and I didn't take any pictures!! I really don't know how that happened. It was a short visit but it was really nice to have them stay and take advantage of our new and much roomier space.

Watermelon, banana and oatmeal smoothie

Watching the baby squirrels at the bottom
of our street

Our patio heater arrived just in time
for the chilly weather

My two sweet boys sharing a bowl of oatmeal
watching Formula 1

This sums up how I feel about the chilly mornings

Laura, her two dogs and a little girl who we met
on our walk

She tried to take Owen home with her

A baby bunny my Mom found at the side of our house

Trying to keep a hat on Owen is a challenge

Monday, September 9, 2013

Making Friends and Sauce

This weekend I had the pleasure of joining two of the lovely ladies that I walk with most mornings to do some canning. They had picked up a few bushels of tomatoes and asked if I'd like to join them in making and canning tomato sauce. You Bet!
One bushel of tomatoes cooking away
The tomato skinning and seeding machine

Nancy showing us how to run the machine

Pureed tomatoes, chopped vegis and garden fresh basil

One bushel of tomatoes = 24L tomato sauce

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

This Week In Pics

Gotta love Home Depot and the sporty carts

Owen helping Dad put together the closet shelves

He loves his new rake

I think he was trying to convince them
it's his car


Good morning!

Tuesday was the first day of school, it was our first
day to meet up with the other moms for their morning walk

Always love being goofy for the camera

Nate and Owen racing up and down our driveway,
too fast for my camera

Yoghurt and peaches for morning snack

Checking out Dad's new tools

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Owen's Sweet Ride

A couple of weeks ago my Aunt Margaret, Uncle Andrew and Cousin Valery all stopped by on a Sunday morning to say hello and drop off this

A wee fire truck. As you can see Owen was quite intrigued and was a little cautious to try it out but with Andrew's convincing he was in it and loving it. 
Owen keeps it parked in the garage and  has so much fun climbing in and out of it, he's just starting to get the hang of moving his feet to become mobile. Soon enough! 



"Mom, stop taking pics and come push me"

Every fire truck needs water

and fuel!

Making sure to get every last drop

Thanks Guys.