Saturday, May 31, 2014

This Week In pics

Oma came to visit this week and I have finally figured out why I never take any pics during these visits, because I run around like a maniac trying to get a million things accomplished. 
Rob and I were able to get a couple of projects started on around the house along with some gardening with the help from my Mom. It was a very busy but fun week.

Pure happiness

Owen helping Oma in the garden

He was more interested in making mud then watering the plants

After a very busy morning of playing, its nap time

Oma brought some new books and they had to be read
at least 10 times a day

I actually had enough energy at the end of the day to
make blackberry margaritas

1 comment:

  1. It was wonderful to spend so much time with Owen and to see how far you have come these past few months Sherri.
    Love you all!
