Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Rabbit is Dead

Yes, it's true. But you already knew that!

Friday Rob had changed his BBM personal message to "It's official...the rabbit is dead!". Not knowing what it meant I asked if we were having rabbit stew for dinner but with no reply I had forgotten about the message.That evening over dinner (not rabbit stew sadly) he brought it up and I genuinely had no idea what the meaning of it was.

So, wiki to the rescue.

The rabbit test was an early pregnancy test developed in 1927 by Bernhard Zondek andSelmar Aschheim. The original test actually used mice.[1] The test consisted of injecting the tested woman's urine into a female rabbit, then examining the rabbit's ovaries a few days later, which would change in response to a hormone only secreted by pregnant women. The hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), is produced during pregnancy and indicates the presence of a fertilized egg; it can be found in a pregnant woman's urine and blood. The rabbit test became a widely used bioassay (animal-based test) to test for pregnancy. The term "rabbit test" was first recorded in 1949 but became a common phrase in the English language.

I love his wit and sense of humour and needless to say had a great laugh.

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