Thursday, December 15, 2011

3D Pip

Yesterday morning was quite exciting for us, we went for our anatomy ultrasound and got to take another peak at Pip who is 19 weeks along. The technician was great, as they have always been, and right away asked if we wanted to know the sex of the baby.

Rob and I agreed that this may be one of the few controlled surprises we may have and are going to wait until Pip arrives to find out.

After all the necessary measurements were taken Rob was brought into the room and we both got to see...

The technician right away say the baby has Rob's mouth and I agree, so cute. She was good to keep all the pictures from the waist up and we did see a few 2D shots which were amazing. We could see the heart beating, the ribs and spine and very cute little hands waiving hello.

What a fantastic day.

1 comment:

  1. we just got a peak a Pip! oh my. brought tears to our eyes.I loved being able to see the baby. Thank you for sharing the ultrasound with us. So nice to have a sensitive tec. looking after you.

    Oma and Grandpa aka Mom and Dad
