Friday, January 25, 2019

This Week In Pics

Kate saw this dress hanging in her closet and insisted
on wearing the "princess dress", she wore it all day
and was twirling around saying
"look at me, I'm a princess" 
Kate got sick this week so it has been a demanding
week, luckily she did want some cuddles which helped
both of us feel better

I was in the basement folding laundry when these two
sprung an attack on me. Good times with
the dress up box

Monday morning on our walk to school Owen showed
me his new trick. Pretty safe to say it fell out during the day

We FINALLY got a good amount of snow Monday

Owen was so excited to snowshoe to school

Can you find Kate amongst the kindergarten class? I
couldn't believe how tall she is, she still has two more
years before she starts school

After a quick latte we strapped on our snowshoes and
enjoyed the beautiful morning

This is just down the street from us! Kate was happy
to ride in her "boat" as she called it while we
pulled her

Unfortunately the rain started so we had to head back
but it was pretty awesome to get out

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