Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Snow Day

It's a snow day today which is pretty rare for Peel Board. With Owen home and a fresh dump of snow last night we bundled everyone up and headed out for a snowshoe. 2.5 hours of trail breaking in over a foot of snow = a quiet afternoon for everyone!

The start of the trail which is less than a five min
walk from home

The sled was the favoured mode of transportation
for both kids even though they both
did amazing in their snowshoes

Family shot

After a good run in the snowshoes, it was time
for a snack break. These two made
the best of the very deep snow 
Kate decide it was her turn to break trail for a while

It's hard to appreciate but, this was just half way
up one of the hills, it was pretty steep

Tired but almost home!

I was able to get a short video of her first attempt in snowshoes

1 comment:

  1. Very impressive. Thanks for sharing. The kids did amazing on their snowshoes and Kate is only 2.
    I spent an hour in the ditch this morning. Not a fun way to start the day.
