Monday, February 11, 2019

Birthday Celebrations

The beginning of February is a big birthday celebration week here, my Mom, Rob and myself all in the same week. My parents came down to celebrate and between the forgotten MRI appointment (mine) and the crazy weather my Mom ended up staying a week. On a side note, the MRI is my biannual checkup, standard procedure. I had put it in the calendar and forgotten about it. It was a night time appointment so my Mom stayed with the kids while Rob drove me. We all really enjoyed the extra time together, hopefully we didn,t exhaust her too much!

My parents watched the kids while we got out
for an incredible four hour snowshoe
through Albion Hills.

We mainly stuck to the single track mountain bike trails,
no one had been on them and they were really
tough. These were the only pics I took!

Oma and Owen made some disgusting green slime
one evening, which was way too funny

Sometimes we all just chilled out on our tablets for
some quiet time in the evening, although this was
a pretty rare occurrence.

Breakfast always tastes better when it from Oma's plate.
A very satisfying two hour project, I had made my Mom her
sweater from a fleece bathrobe that I loved but never wore.
Very happy to see it get used and look so great 
Leftover birthday balloons = hilarious imaginative play.
I don't think I've heard these two laugh so hard and so much

She took a break but is back with a vengeance with her
painting. Daily she wants to paint, she even gets
everything out herself now and starts
setting it all up.

With my Mom's help I have made
50% whole wheat sourdough bread. Here is
after a 12 hour proof in the fridge

Sliced and ready for the oven

The final result. I really can't believe that I made that


  1. I had the best birthday week ever with all of you. Thanks so much Sherri and family.
    Your bread looks soooo professional! Even has that curved lip!
    No going certainly nailed the bread.

  2. Hi Sherri;

    As always great pictures and thanks for sharing. Your bread looks fantastic. I'm sure it was delicious.
