Monday, October 24, 2011

On being Lazy

Some days I just have no interest in doing anything, cleaning, going out or even cooking. I'm just starting to feel less tired than I have been for the past few months but I have been fighting a cold and sleep is my only  plan for the day. After four days of some heavy sofa surfing and major sleep I am definitely feeling better but not enough energy to make up some food. This is where my lazy genius come in.

Spinach, apple, kiwi, melon, oatmeal, protein powder, yogurt and almond milk make for a very quick and low effort second breakfast. Yes, second breakfast.
It has a ton of much needed nutrients and vitamins and is quite filling.
As a side note, I am indeed making my smoothie in a bodum, our blender is having an issue at the moment and this is the only vessel that would work with the hand blender.

Now if this rain stops I would love to head over to the library to grab some more books.

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