Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Another Cloth Diaper Update

It's been over a month of daily use and the FuzziBunz cloth diapers have been fantastic. I have been using them during the day and sticking with disposables for the night time as Owen has been sleeping longer and longer during the nights I don't want him to wake just because of a wet diaper. 

There have only been two leaking issues which were both my fault for not having the diaper on secure enough, this happened when we sized up the diapers and we were still figuring out the correct adjustments. I had recently ordered some more diapers to add to the collection so now there are 13 total, making it easier for the washing/drying routine and never being out of clean diapers. I would highly recommend at least 12 diapers to start with as 10 to 12 diaper changes a day is normal. 

Now if only I had enough time to pull out my sewing machine to sew up a few of my own diaper creations.

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