Monday, December 5, 2016

Our Lives This Month

It's crazy how tired one can be, even with Rob doing most evenings/bedtime routine with Owen I am still completely exhausted by the end of the day. Luckily Kate is an excellent sleeper so far, giving me anywhere between 7 and 8 hours in the night.

Here's what we've been upto the past month.

Middle of Nov. one early morning the sun
was catching the last of the fall colours

Don't be fooled by my little helper, the blower
kept him distracted so I could actually
rake and pick up the leaves


Owen has made a new friend at school who lives around the
corner from us, the boys decided we needed to have a
candy party and Monique generously hosted!

It was four boys and Kate, she wasn't too impressed

I whipped together the mobile one naptime
and Kate loves it. I can put her into the crib
and she will start smiling and chatting
away to it, So cute

The end of Nov. we got our first snowfall but
it quickly disappeared

She's a very smiley and happy girl most days

Owen happily helped decorate the tree

Rob has been working on finishing the basement
so trips to Home Depot are frequent
but fun

Like I said, she's a pretty great sleeper
right now

She loves our twice daily walks to Owen's school
and often I will walk for an hour or so after
dropping him off

Hey, where's my hug and kiss?

That's better

You can't tell from this pic but she's 24" tall
and close to 13 lbs, she's growing so fast

This is what we woke up to this morning

it was deep and really wet

Owen was super excited to get outside

and even more excited to get to the school yard

Kate was bundled nicely so she was happy

I was undecided!
You can always tell how tired I am by my right side,
doesn't matter how much coffee I have, some days
my right eye just wants to go back to sleep.

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