Monday, January 16, 2012

Green Pumpkin Pie and a Bump Update

Slowly growing and very happy!
Just got back from our latest midwife appointment and everything is rolling along really well. Noting to report really, basically that in the next couple of weeks I should up my calcium intake to accommodate for Pips growing bones. Baby is big enough to be able to hear the heartbeat with a stethoscope now and I got to hear it. While lying down Pip gave us a show by giving several really big kicks, big enough that my belly moved so of course I couldn't help but laugh. It was great that Rob was there during to visit so he got to see everything, they were the biggest ones so far!

I was hungry by the time I got home and wanted something quick, a smoothie is my favourite option. This one is two big handfuls of spinach, about 1/3 cup of pumpkin puree, one frozen banana, vanilla protein powder, milk, almond meal and pumpkin spices. Nutritious and delicious! As you can see, I started drinking even before I could shoot it.

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