Friday, February 17, 2012

Mega Bump Update

Well, I am now into the third and final leg of this crazy journey and the past week has been a crazy one indeed. I was feeling achy and cramps for four days straight, right from the very bottom to the top of the bump, as well as everything was really hard. I am now used to when my belly stretches and the sensations to expect but they usually only last for a few hours, not days and not this much discomfort. Finally on Tuesday it subsided and back to normal, didn't think much of it after that.

Realizing that my winter jacket is suddenly barely able to do up I was curious, so out comes the measuring tape. I like to measure everything once and a while just for fun because this will be the only time in my life I get excited about getting so big. Sure enough my belly (what used to be waistline) grew an entire inch, one whole inch in one week!! How freaking cool is that. No wonder I was so uncomfortable.

It also seems that I have cut my toenails myself for the last time as it nearly killed me trying to, looks like I may have to send Rob for an estheticians course so I don't go completely to pot.

It's hard to believe that we are now just under three months to go and as every day passes we getting more and more excited to meet our little Pip.

1 comment:

  1. urg...I'm just getting used to that feeling. I keep worrying! (today is esp. crampy) glad it's normal. I never thought to measure! dur. never too late!
