Tuesday, March 27, 2012

33 Week Bump Update

It has been a really fun week for us. Over the weekend Rob and I went to a surprise birthday party which was a blast. Even though I was wearing three inch heels we both ended up on the dance floor disco dancing and got home around midnight. Needless to say, I was a zombie all day Sunday. Pip sure loved the dancing and was hopping along with us. It also felt wonderful on my lower back to move and groove, will have to remember that during labour.

Last night after a day at the office Rob and I did a bit of car seat shopping as this is the only item (I think) that is left on our have to purchase list, they wont let us home from the hospital with out one. As there are four different kinds that fit into our stroller we checked them all out and both agreed on one. Will probably head back in the next week or so when we are not so hungry and pick it up.

While in the store we were very quickly overwhelmed with all the stuff that is out there, sensory overload. We did find a great high chair that will adapt and grow with the baby until they are about five years old, is mostly of wood construction and has a small footprint. Bonus on all accounts.

I have really noticed myself slowing down in the past week, my walks are getting slower and I am starting to look for benches to sit on while I'm out. I am still doing a 5km walk on the weekends along the lake, I consider this more exercise than just out enjoying the day as I try to push myself a bit more than during the week. If you look closely at the pic above you may see the suggestion of a tan line on my shoulder. It was stunning last week, above 20 degrees for several days, so I was out in a t shirt and my capri running pants catching some rays. What an ego boost to be able to fit into my running pants, I so did not want to take them off, ever.

Pip is still moving a dancing like crazy and is breech or head up still. There are a few more weeks before this becomes an issue but have started trying to turn the baby now. This involves another post so check back in a couple of days and I will have an update on the crazy things that we have been doing.

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