Sunday, March 18, 2012

Bump Update

Again, I did not realize how time has flown by and it's been over a week since my last post, it feels like everything is on fast forward.

I also had no idea how pointy I have become, the belly does change shape frequently but it has definitely gotten bigger. I think I say that every time I post as well. Pip has taken to hanging out head up or horizontal when head down is the preferred position. There are a few more weeks to go before it becomes a concern but we have started to talk to the belly and make suggestions that head down would be much better for everyone.

Speaking of my belly, as of today it is now being referred to as the belly as it has become big enough to be it's own entity.

With eight (or so) weeks to go I still feel pretty good but am noticing that I'm slowing down again. Finding a comfortable position to sit is becoming more difficult as I have a fair amount of discomfort across my back in the mid rib region. Not sure if its from my ribs being pushed out or all the weight pulling in the front, as you can see from above. Trying to do yoga more frequently, not so successful but trying as well as keeping up with going for a long walk most days. With the weather changing and the sun shining it has been easy to go out, in fact, I took the belly for an hour long walk along the waterfront this afternoon while Rob went for a ride. So fantastic!

Lastly, I finally pulled the pregnancy card for the first time and didn't feel too bad about it. Yes, I parked there.

My sister and I went to Babies R Us and Toys R Us earlier in the week, she needed to do some research for a project and I had never been so it seemed like a good idea. What an eye opener! I had no idea how divided everything is into very girl or boy, clothing I can understand (sort of) but the toys, wow. Even the lego was made for either girls or boys, I just found it so foreign. Does it make me old and curmudgeonly to find this so strange?

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