Somehow, and I don't really remember doing it, I managed to cook us up some feel better food this week so I thought I'd share as they turned out pretty good. We were pretty sick so I could be wrong!
1 chicken breast
1 litre chicken stock or water
2 tsp hot chilli paste
3 or 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 or 2 stalks celery, chopped
1 onion, finely chopped
1/4 cup brown rice (approx)
2 to 4 Tbs tamarind paste
lime juice
brown sugar (optional)
Fry up garlic, onion and celery in pot until browned, add stock, chilli paste and chicken breast, cover for 20 - 30 min until poached. Remove chicken and shred with two forks. Add back into pot along with rice and tamarind, start with 2 Tbs and you can add more later. Cover and cook for another 30 min. until rice is nearly done.
At this point taste the soup and adjust seasoning. I had added way too much chilli paste so levelled it out with more tamarind, a good splash of lime juice and surprisingly a Tbs of brown sugar.
This was a toss what ever you can in a pot kind of soup that turned out pretty good, we both crave a hot and sour soup when sick and it did the trick.
With what I think are my abs now pushed up on top of my ribs thanks to the ever expanding bump it makes it quite awkward to cough. Combine that with a throat that feels like it on fire and all I wanted was some ice cream to sooth it. Problem was I didn't want any dairy to add to all my phlem so I gave this banana ice cream a try.
Toss one frozen banana in a food processor or mini chopper with a small splash of vanilla and blend until creamy. That's it!
It really helped with the soar throat, I put it in a little glass jar and got two servings out of it and no guilt of eating ice cream. I think I'll be making this a lot.
Lastly I managed to make up a batch of my fave yam and bean burritos, I did cheat a bit a use pre made beans and shredded cheese (both of which were pretty good) but I think that was the only way I was able to make them up. If you want the recipe just ask and I will gladly pass it along, we have been making these for ever and freezing them for a quick dinner during the week.

I guess that's next on my list, figuring out meals to make and freeze for when Pip arrives so we can continue to eat well and I wont loose my mind with guilt over not cooking.
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