Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Bump Update

Did not realize that it has been three weeks since my last bump update, I guess that's what happens when you get knocked on your ass for a week with a cold! Finally starting to feel myself again even though the picture is a little rough looking.

Hitting another milestone, I am now 30 weeks along out of 40, so yes, 10 weeks to go! It's getting so close yet it still feels so far away.

Pip continues to grow and is weighing in around 3lbs and 17 inches long from head to toe and with the larger size comes larger kicks. It feels like it's almost continuous now with the jabs, kicks and rolling around, in fact it going to be really strange to not have them in a few short months. It's quite entertaining to see my belly moving around and changing shape while I sit here and type, very alien like.

Today was a stellar day, sun shining, blue sky and temperature around 15 so I went for a nice long walk along the water, my old running route to be exact, and it felt amazing. I was so happy to be out and really looking forward to taking Pip out in the stroller every day to check out the waterfront and get active again.

And in another sign that the wee one will be making an appearance soon, last night Rob and I attended our first prenatal class. It was fantastic! It is through our midwife clinic and the woman teaching it is great, she is very knowledgeable, experienced and informative. She is also quite good at keeping our attention for two hours and presenting the information in a way we can understand and relate to. Best part, no crappy and horrific videos to scare everyone. Her approach to birth seems very similar to the way I am approaching it which is encouraging and exciting for me. (More on that later, that's for another post). It was also exciting to hear that Rob felt the same as me in regards to our instructor and what we are going to get out of the next three classes.

1 comment:

  1. Always appreciate the "bump" update Sherri. Love seeing you. Pip seems to be taking all the weight into the belly. You look like you are actually loosing weight!
    So good to hear the classes will be beneficial to you and Rob as well as entertaining. I still remember the Prenatal class I went to when expecting you! Ugg. nasty videos......
